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A single spark can ignite a blaze that changes everything.
The Spark Strategy is a unique facilitated process to create that spark for your team.

Image by Antenna

We approach sexual violence prevention in a new way. 

Our methodology is innovative, dynamic, and iterative. We believe that the best solutions come from the people who make up the team, because your staff know your workplace culture best. The Spark Strategy’s role is to create the space, agenda, and conversation that empowers them to move forward and shift that culture into the most supportive workplace for everyone.

We aren’t selling a plan or training session to end sexual harassment to your workplace. Our approach is rooted in design-based thinking, and we know that every session we offer means different strategies for different workplaces. By working with The Spark Strategy, you are purchasing a process, one that is a trusted leader in ending gender-based violence.

Meet Our Founders

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JR LaRose is a 2011 Grey Cup champion. A proud member of One Arrow First Nation, he is an ambassador for Indigenous peoples. He is an accomplished speaker speaking and facilitating over 400 presentations throughout Canada and the United States since 2008. A proud family man, JR’s path to success has been a long and hard fought journey. Growing up in low-income housing in Edmonton’s inner city didn’t exactly set JR up for success but it did give him the drive to succeed. JR grew up without a father. His father, of Nigerian heritage, was deported back to his native country before JR was born, and JR never met his dad. To learn more about JR, watch the short documentary on his life here

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Bailey Reid has worked for over fifteen years to empower young women to be the best they can be. Before joining the Carleton University team as the Senior Advisor on Gender and Sexual Violence Prevention and Support, Bailey founded an organization that delivered important literacy, leadership, and vocational skills to criminalized women. With a firm understanding of how the power of words can influence social change, she previously worked as a Digital Strategist at MediaStyle, the Coordinator for the Sexual Assault Network of Ottawa, and as a Women’s Rights Campaigner for Oxfam Canada. Bailey sat as Chair of the Public Engagement Committee of the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women for nearly ten years.

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